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Crable, A. Grey. E., Simmons, R. (2022). An inclusive blueprint for clinical experiential learning.

           Kendell Hunt


Hinkley, P., Crable, A., Davis, J. & Kuhnley, A. (2021). Counseling women: Evidence-Based treatment                       with faith integration. Kendall Hunt.


Hardy, V., Locklear, A., &, Crable, A., (2020). The commercial exploitation of children: Trauma-

           Informed care. The Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, Volume 17, Number 1


Brown, D. & Crable. A. (2019). Legal and Ethical Considerations in Counseling In R.Trippany, S. Lilley,

           and A. Kuhnley (eds.). Introduction to Counseling: Integration of Faith, Professional Identity, and                     Clinical Practice. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt


Barbian- Shimburg, A., Hull, K., Simmons, R. & Crable, A.  (2019). Future Trends in Counseling In                             R.Trippany, S. Lilley, and A. Kuhnley (eds.). Introduction to Counseling: Integration of Faith,                           Professional Identity, and Clinical Practice. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt


Crable, A.R., Underwood, L.A., Parks-Savage, A. & Maclin, V. (2013). An evaluation of a gender

           specific and trauma informed training curriculum for females in residential group care. Accepted in               the International Journal of Behavioral Therapy and Consultation.


Blakely, C., Crable, A., Hardy, V., & Hood, D., (2007, March). Cross-cultural supervision:

           Understanding the unfamiliar supervisee. Southern Association of Counselor Educators and                           Supervisors, 5-6

Disclaimer:  CCCDW, LLC is not a crisis center.  Please report to the nearest emergency room or dial 911 immediately if you are in crisis emotionally or physically.  If you have suicidal thoughts and live in the US, please dial 1-800-784-2433 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

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